Proceedings of the 1st Symposium on Marmaray-Metro Salvage Excavations - Istanbul Archaeological Museums
Proceedings of the 1st Symposium on Marmaray-Metro Salvage Excavations - Istanbul Archaeological Museums

Proceedings of the 1st Symposium on Marmaray-Metro Salvage Excavations - Istanbul Archaeological Museums

Bildiriler Kitabı
ISBN-ISSN: 9786056085369
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256 pp, color figures, hb, bilingual articles in Turkish-English.


  • Kiziltan, Zeynep / Foreword
  • Ufuk Kocabas / Preface
  • Kiziltan, Zeynep / Excavations at Yenikapi, Sirkeci and Uskudar within Marmaray and Metro Projects
  • Sait Basaran / General Evaluation of 2006-2008 Work of Istanbul University Yenikapi Shipwrecks Project
  • Kocabas, Ufuk / Istanbul University Yenikapi Shipwrecks Project: The Ships
  • Ozsait-Kocabas, Isil / In situ Recording of Yenikapi Shipwrecks
  • Eyigun, Yalcin / Istanbul Metro Construction Project between Yenikapi and Unkapani: Yenikapi Station
  • Umit Celik / The Marmaray Project
  • Kayalar, Ceren - Ahmet Emrah Kavlak - Selim Balcisoy / Augmented Reality and Cultural Heritage
  • Karagoz, Sehrazat / Archaeological Excavations at Uskudar within Marmaray Project from 2004 to 2008
  • Isik, M. Ece / Comparison of Pervititch Maps and Urban Remains Uncovered During Archaeological Salvage Excavations at Uskudar for the Marmaray Project
  • Ozgumus, Uzlifat / Evaluation of Glass Finds from Marmaray Sirkeci Salvage Excavations
  • Gokcay, Metin / Selected Wooden Finds from Yenikapı
  • Asal, Rahmi / Theodosian Harbor and Sea irade in Byzantine Istanbul
  • Demirkok, Feza / Four lnscriptions Discovered in the Marmaray Excavations
  • Algan, Oya - M. Namık Yalcin - Isak Yilmaz - Elmas Kirci-Elmas - Erol Sari - Demet Ongan Ozlem Bulkan-Yesiladali - Dogan Perincek - Mehmet Ozdogan - Yucel Yilmaz - Ismail Karamut / Geo-Archaeology of the Theodosian Harbor at Yenikapi
  • Ozbal, Hadi - Erol Sarı - Demet Ongan - Elmas Kirci-Elmas - Gunhan Danisman - Otto Spaargaren - Oya Algan / Removal and Consolidation of Profiles from Yenikapi Excavations
  • Perincek, Dogan / Geoarchaeology of the Excavation Site for the Last 8000 Years and Traces of Natural Catastrophes in the Geological Profile
  • Oya Algan - Bedri Alpar - Cem Gazioglu - Denizhan Vardar - Kurultay Ozturk / Foreshore Sea Bottom Characteristics at Yenikapi
  • Vedat Onar - Gulsun Pazvant - Altan Armutak - Hasan Alpak - Ismail Karamut - Metin Gokcay / Preliminary Report on the Animal Remains Uncovered at Yenikapi Metro and Marmaray Excavations
  • Emel Oybak-Donmez / Archaeobotanical Studies at the Marmaray and Metro Excavations in Istanbul
  • Vedat Onar - Gulsun Pazvant - Altan Armutak / Radiocarbon Dating Results of the Animal Remains Uncovered at Yenikapi Excavations
Proceedings of the 1st Symposium on Marmaray-Metro Salvage Excavations - Istanbul Archaeological Museums Proceedings of the 1st Symposium on Marmaray-Metro Salvage Excavations - Istanbul Archaeological Museums 9786056085369 Proceedings of the 1st Symposium on Marmaray-Metro Salvage Excavations - Istanbul Archaeological Museums