Routes d'Asie, Marchands et voyageurs XVe-XVIIIe Siecle
Routes d'Asie, Marchands et voyageurs XVe-XVIIIe Siecle

Routes d'Asie, Marchands et voyageurs XVe-XVIIIe Siecle

ISBN-ISSN: 9754280010
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Varia Turcica XII

200 s, b/w figures, in French 

The work covers the acts of the colloquium organized by Bibliothéque Interuniversitaire des Langues Orientales on 11-12 Dec. 1986 in Paris. Contributors are: M.Debout, D.Eeckaute-Bardery, C.Kappler, C.Poujol, L.Bazin, V.Fourniau, L.Boulnois, J.Legrand, L.Bernot, F.Blanchon, J.Meyer, M.Caillet, S.Nguyen Dac. Introductions on the richness of the Bibliotheque des Langues Orientales and the great routes of Asia and great junctions and objects of traffic are followed by 10 articles in three divisions: Les approaches occidentals, Les marches orientales, Les voies chinoises. A catalogue on the exhibition Routes D'Asie and an annexe on the impact and rejection of the Chinese civilization in Vietnam conclude the volume. 202 pp (Varia Turcica XII, IFEA & Editions Isis)

Routes d'Asie, Marchands et voyageurs XVe-XVIIIe Siecle Routes d'Asie, Marchands et voyageurs XVe-XVIIIe Siecle 9754280010 Routes d'Asie, Marchands et voyageurs XVe-XVIIIe Siecle