84 pp, b/w figures, pb,  articles in Turkish with English  summary. 


  • Neftci, Aras / Nuruosmaniye Camii Acilis Toreni
    The Inauguration of the Nuruosmaniye Mosque
  • Yum, Sule / Osmanli Devrinde Denizcilik ve 19. Yuzyil Osmanli Saraylarinda Gemi Tasvirleri
    Represantation of Ships in Ottoman Palaces in the Late Ottoman Period
  • Gurcaglar, Aykut / Degisimin Tanigi Kopruler ve Japon Ahsap Baski Resimleri
    Two Pictures of Bridges Witnessing Changes in Japanese Wood-Cuts
  • Sabuncu, Ayyuz (Toydemir) / A Ceramic Assemblage from a Closed Deposit of the Early Thirteenth Century in the Kalenderhane Camii, Istanbul
    Istanbul Kalenderhane Camii'nde Kapali Bir Alanda Bulunan Erken 13. Yuzyila Ait Seramik Grubu
Sanat Tarihi Defterleri 11 Sanat Tarihi Defterleri 11 9789758071890 Sanat Tarihi Defterleri 11