Second International Congress on the History of Money and Numismatics in the Mediterranean World
Second International Congress on the History of Money and Numismatics in the Mediterranean World

Second International Congress on the History of Money and Numismatics in the Mediterranean World

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ISBN-ISSN: 9786052116692
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598 pp, color and B&W figures, hb, articles in English.

Preface / Sunuş 

ANTIQUITY (Greek, Roman and Roman Provincial)

  • ZURBACH Julien / New Perspectives on Money in the Late Bronze to Iron Age Aegean
  • FISCHER-BOSSERT Wolfgang / Electrum Coinage of the 7th Century B.C.
  • WARTENBERG Ute / Archaic Electrum Coinage in Thrace and Macedonia in the Sixth Century: the Hoard Evidence
  • ELLIS-EVANS Aneurin - VAN ALFEN Peter / Preliminary Observations on the Archaic Silver Coinage of Lampsakos in its Regional Context
  • KILLEN Simone / The Winged Horse Protome from Lampsacus and its Interpretations
  • EROL-ÖZDIZBAY Aliye / The Coinage of Pordosilene (Pordoselene/Poroselene)
  • KROLL John H. / Two Fifth-Century Lead Weights of Kyzikos on the Commercial Standard of Athens
  • TEKIN Oğuz / Weights of Lysimachia: Identification, Iconography and Dating
  • REGER Gary / Regionalism and Coins in the Hellenistic World
  • CALLATAŸ François de / Overstrikes on Pamphylian and Cilician Silver Sigloi (5th-4th c. B.C.)
  • DUYRAT Frédérique / Alexander’s Gold Distaters
  • ASHTON Richard H. J. / The Pseudo-Rhodian Drachms of Kibyra
  • KÖKER Hüseyin / Overstruck Coins of Etenna
  • MEADOWS Andrew / Civic Countermarks on the Silver Coinage of Asia Minor in the 2nd Century B.C.
  • PAUNOV Evgeni / On Both Shores of the Bosphorus: The Coinage of Rhoemetalces I, King of Thrace (ca. 12/11 B.C. – A.D. 12/13)
  • BURNETT Andrew - MARTIN Katharina / An Early Imperial Coinage from Alexandria Troas?
  • AMANDRY Michel / The Cistophoric Coinage of Hadrian: New Data 
  • GÜNEY Hale / Homonoia Coins and the City of Nicomedia 
  • ÜNAL Erdal / Bronze Coinage of Magydos 
  • PUGLISI Mariangela / Iconographic Choices in the Roman Provincial Coinage of Kyme (Aeolis) 
  • POLOSA Annalisa / Coins in the Northern Aegean: Testimonies from Lemnos 
  • STROOBANTS Fran / Daily Coin Use and the Level of Monetization at Roman Sagalassos and its Territory 
  • SPOERRI BUTCHER Marguerite / ‘Pseudo-autonomous’ Coins Issued in the Name of the Senate: Towards a Reappraisal of the Role of the Workshops within the Province of Asia (A.D. 238-253) 
  • SANCAKTAR Hacer / Analysis of the Coins Found at the Excavations of the 6th Bath Complex in Arycanda 
  • NOLLÉ Johannes / Creating Borders and Surpassing Them: Myths of the Propontis Region Reflected by City Coins 
  • CHAMEROY Jérémie / The Circulation of Gallic Empire Coins in Western Asia Minor in Light of Excavated Coins 
  • LEROUXEL François / Two Families and the Monetization of Arsinoite Villages in Roman Egypt 
  • MARCELLESI Marie-Christine / Coins from the Excavations at Agioi Pente of Yeroskipou near Paphos (Late Antiquity and Early Byzantine Times): A Preliminary Report 

MEDIEVAL (Byzantine, European and Islamic) 

  • ÜNAL Ceren / A Group of Billon Trachea: The Beydağ Hoard from the Archaeological Museum in Aydın 
  • YAĞIZ Oya – ÖZTÜRK Önder / The Veliköy Hoard: A Preliminary Report 
  • CAMPAGNOLO Matteo / From Copper to Glass: Technical Progress and Reliability of Early Byzantine Coin-Weights 
  • MORDECHAI Lee / The FLAME Project: Reconstructing the Late Antique and Early Medieval Economy 
  • ZAVAGNO Luca / Beyond the Periphery: Reassessing the Byzantine Insular Economy between Late Antiquity and the Early Middle Ages (ca. 650-850 A.D.) 
  • BAKER Julian / Coin Circulation in Fourteenth-Century Thrace and Constantinople According to the Evidence of the Hoards 
  • YOUNIS Mohammad / Early Islamic Imitative Fulus of Egyptian Coins from Bila-d al-Sha-m 
  • NAUE Matthias / An Estimation of Early ?Abbasid Mint Output: Madinat Jayy 162 A.H./778-9 C.E.VII 
  • TEOMAN Betül / Figural Coins of the Seljuqs of Rum 
  • TEOMAN Gültekin / Western Anatolian Beylik Coins Minted in the Name of the Ilkhans 
  • SCHULTZ Warren C. / How were Mamluk Fulus Valued at the Beginning of the 9th/15th Century? Reflections on Two Passages from al-Maqrizi and Some Archaeological Evidence 
  • AL-‘AKRA Hassan / Numismatic and Historical Studies on Medieval Coins Found in the Excavations of Baalbek: A Synthesis 
  • STAHL Alan M. / Archaeological Finds of Medieval Coinage in the Northeastern Mediterranean: Implications for the Study of Circulation and Site History
Second International Congress on the History of Money and Numismatics in the Mediterranean World Second International Congress on the History of Money and Numismatics in the Mediterranean World 9786052116692 Second International Congress on the History of Money and Numismatics in the Mediterranean World