Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum Turkey 9, 2
Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum Turkey 9, 2

Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum Turkey 9, 2

The Özkan Arikantürk Collection Volume 2, Aeolis
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ISBN-ISSN: 9786059680479
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SNG Turkey 9-2

67 pp, 876 coins in 30 plates, b/w figures, hb, in English.

This catalogue is the second volume of the ninth band of SNG Turkey Project. The catalogue presents part of the Özkan Arıkantürk Collection- 876 coins from the cities of Aeolis. All coins were bought between the years 1990-2016 by himself in Burhaniye where ancient Adramyteum lies. Cyme is the city with highest representation, by 113 coins. The catalogue also includes rare examples from the cities of Aegae, Autokane, Elaia and Myrina. The cities Boeone, Grynium, Larisa Phriconis, Temnos, Tisna, Antissa, Eresos, Methymna, Mytilene, Pyrrha, Chalcis and Pordosilene/Poroselene are the other cities represented in the catalogue.

We would like to express our gratitude to Mr. Arikantürk, collector, who facilitated our work and helped us during the preparation of the catalogue. We would like to thank Mr. Ahmet Boratav of Ege Publications for the publication work. Our special thanks go to Ms. Hülya Tokmak for layout work. We would also like to thank Richard Ashton, who revised the catalogue. In addition, we would like to thank Arif Yacı who took the photographs of the coins and revised the text and Armağan Tan who drawn the monograms.

This SNG Band, like previous ones, is published by the Turkish Institute of Archaeology; we would also like to thank the Managing Board of the Institute in the person of its President Prof. Dr. Haluk Abbasoğlu.  Oğuz TEKİN – Aliye EROL-ÖZDİZBAY


Collector’s Note 




  • Aegae 
  • Autokane 
  • Boeone 
  • Cyme 
  • Elaia 
  • Grynium 
  • Larisa Phriconis 
  • Myrina 
  • Neonteichos 
  • Temnos 
  • Tisna 

Islands off Aeolis 

  • Lesbos 
  • Uncertain Mint 
  • Antissa 
  • Eresos 
  • Methymna 
  • Mytilene 
  • Pyrrha 

The Hekatonessoi 

  • Chalcis 
  • Pordosilene / Poroselene 
  • Under the Name of Nasos 


List of Concordance

Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum Turkey 9, 2 Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum Turkey 9, 2 9786059680479 Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum Turkey 9, 2