The 2003-2004 Excavations Seasons - Tell Atchana, Ancient Alalakh Volume 1

94,00 TL + %0
ISBN-ISSN: 9786055607135

283 pp, b/w figures, hb, in English.

  • Yener, K. Aslihan / Introduction
  • Yener, K. Aslihan - G. Bike Yazicioglu / Excavation Results
  • Mullins, Robert / A Comparative Analysis of the Alalakh 2003-2004 Season Pottery with Woolley's Levels
  • Kozal, Ekin / Cypriot Pottery
  • Koehl, Robert / Mycenaean Pottery
  • Lauinger, Jacob / Epigraphic Report
  • Collon, Dominique / Report on the Seals and Sealings Found During the Excavations at Teli Atchana in 2003
  • Yener, K. Aslihan / Small Finds
  • Boutin, Alexis / The Burials
  • Riehl, Simone / Flourishing Agriculture in Times of Political Instability: The Archaeobotanical and Isotopic Evidence from Tell Atchana
  • Deckers, Katken / Anthracological Research on Charcoal Samples from Atchana
  • Çakirlar, Canan - Stine Rossel / Faunal Remains from the 2003-2004 Excavations at Tell Atchana
  • Selover, Stephanie / Metallurgical Analysis of Pins from the 2004 Season
  • Batiuk, Stephen - Mara Horowitz / Temple Deep Sounding Investigations 2001-2005
The 2003-2004 Excavations Seasons - Tell Atchana, Ancient Alalakh Volume 1 The 2003-2004 Excavations Seasons - Tell Atchana, Ancient Alalakh Volume 1 9786055607135 The 2003-2004 Excavations Seasons - Tell Atchana, Ancient Alalakh Volume 1