The Balkan Crisis (1875-1878) Part V - From the Andrinople Armistice to the Treaty of Berlin

89,00 TL + %0
ISBN-ISSN: 9789754285734
Category: History, Antiquarian

Center for Ottoman Diplomatic History
Ottoman Diplomatic Documents on The Eastern Question

497 pp, pb, in French.


  • Preface 
  • Editors’ Note 
  • Introduction 
  • Index of writers of telegrams and despatches 
  • Documents 
  • Subject index 
  • Name index
The Balkan Crisis (1875-1878) Part V - From the Andrinople Armistice to the Treaty of Berlin The Balkan Crisis (1875-1878) Part V - From the Andrinople Armistice to the Treaty of Berlin 9789754285734 The Balkan Crisis (1875-1878) Part V - From the Andrinople Armistice to the Treaty of Berlin