The Book of Cihannuma

A 360 Year Old Story
339,00 TL + %0
ISBN-ISSN: 9789752305632
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Category: History

208 pp, color figures, bilingual, in Turkish and English, hard cover, in special slipcase.

Limited edition.

When approached chronologically, Kitab-i Cihannuma reveals a variety of originalities. Firstly, the maps, even those added by Ibrahim Müteferrika are not authentic. In fact there are copies by Ibrahim Müteferrika that differ from each other. There are copies written by Katib Çelebi and those printed by Ibrahim Muteferrika, again with dissimilarity in their number of maps. Katib Celebi added new commentary while rewriting the book in 1654. 78 years later, Ibrahim Muteferrika added new character to the book with his own interpretation. In all literary searches for Cihannuma, reference is made to Ibrahim Muteferrika's printed copy. Thus, 276 later we have prepared a new book of Cihannüma with a new interpretation. We might have assumed Müteferrika's role, perhaps a little...

The book you are holding is not an exact copy; it accommodates every page, however in reduced size. It is also not an exact copy in terms of modern Turkish. It is a new Cihannuma that tries, with the help of our modern day knowledge, to shed light on the authentic information it contains. The renowned and celebrated Cihannuma belongs to Muteferrika; the one created in thenewest forms and applications of technology in printing is Boyut's Cihannuma... A new book design or a Postmodern Cihannuma.

The Book of Cihannuma The Book of Cihannuma 9789752305632 The Book of Cihannuma