The Coins of the Danishmendids / Danismendli Devleti Paralari
The Coins of the Danishmendids / Danismendli Devleti Paralari

The Coins of the Danishmendids / Danismendli Devleti Paralari

49,00 TL + %0
ISBN-ISSN: 9786258056518
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Category: Numismatics
108 pp, color figures, hb, in English-Turkish bilingual.

Western scholars were mostly interested in Danishmendid coins among those minted in Anatolia and published them. The reason for this is that a significant portion of these coins bear inscriptions in Greek. Because there has not been any other example of this process among the coins minted by Turks since Turks arrived at Anatolia. Another reason for the interest of numismatists and historians is that, Danishmendid coins are the earliest coins minted by Turks in Anatolia. They started to mint coins 60-70 years before the Seljuks of Anatolia.

Casanova, who was the first to pay attention to Danishmendid coins, examined them in his serial and long articles published in the Revue Numismatique magazine between 1894 and 1896. Ahmet Tevhid published twelve types and various sub-types in the catalogue “Meskukat-i Kadime-i Islamiye”, which he wrote in 1321 (1903). Behzat Butak introduced ten Danishmendid coins of his collection in his book “Resimli Türk Paraları” published in 1947. Ibrahim and Cevriye Artuk published eight Danishmendid coins in the catalog of Islamic Coins on Display at the Istanbul Archeology Museum, which was published in 1971. Estelle J. Whelan examined twelve types and three sub-types of Danishmendid coins within the context of their connection with historical events in a long article in the 25th Museum Notes (American Numismatic Society) published in 1980.


The Coins of the Danishmendids / Danismendli Devleti Paralari The Coins of the Danishmendids / Danismendli Devleti Paralari 9786258056518 The Coins of the Danishmendids / Danismendli Devleti Paralari