The Illuminated Table the Prosperous House, Food and Shelter in Ottoman Material Culture
The Illuminated Table the Prosperous House, Food and Shelter in Ottoman Material Culture

The Illuminated Table the Prosperous House, Food and Shelter in Ottoman Material Culture

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ISBN-ISSN: 3899133234
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Beiruter Texte und Studien
Herausgegeben vom Orient-Institut der Deutschen Morgenlaendischen Gesellschaft Band 73
Türkishe Welten Band 4

352 pp, color plates, bb, articles by several authors in English.

The Illuminated Table the Prosperous House, Food and Shelter in Ottoman Material Culture The Illuminated Table the Prosperous House, Food and Shelter in Ottoman Material Culture 3899133234 The Illuminated Table the Prosperous House, Food and Shelter in Ottoman Material Culture