The Lofty City of Pamphylia SILLYON - Sillyonian Studies II

An Urban Panaroma from the Beginning to the Past
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The Lofty City of Pamphylia SILLYON (KARAHISAR-I TEKE KALESI) 
An Urban Panorama from the Beginning to the Present

112 pp, color figures, pb, in Turkish and English bilingual.


  • Location and Geography
  • History of the City
  • Chronology
  • Research History
  • Environs of the City
  • Urban Development
  • Historical Importance of the City
  • Monuments
       City Gates
          Main City Gate
          Acropolis North Gate
          Acropolis South Gate
       Defence System
          Defensive Walls
       Street System
          Main Street
          Ramped Street
          Acropolis Street
       Classical Structure
       Bouleuterion / Odeion
       Hellenistic Structure
       Roman Structure (Temple ?)
       Temple Terrace and Temples
       Residential Quarter
       Roman Baths
       Nymphaion A
       Structure with Dromos
       Farmstead with Tower
       Basilica (?)
       Episkopeion and Churches
       Muslim Cemetery
       Kale Masjid
       Ottoman Masjid / Lower Masjid
       Ottoman Fountain
       Water System
       Roman Bridge (Ayvalı Kemer)
  • Visiting Route
  • Select Bibliography
    Ancient Sources
    Modern Sources
  • Glossary
The Lofty City of Pamphylia SILLYON - Sillyonian Studies II The Lofty City of Pamphylia SILLYON - Sillyonian Studies II 9786057673794 The Lofty City of Pamphylia SILLYON - Sillyonian Studies II