The Ottoman Empire and Its Neighbours V : Official Correspondance af Constantin Musurus First Ottoman Diplomatic Representative in Athens 1840-1848
The Ottoman Empire and Its Neighbours V : Official Correspondance af Constantin Musurus First Ottoman Diplomatic Representative in Athens 1840-1848

The Ottoman Empire and Its Neighbours V : Official Correspondance af Constantin Musurus First Ottoman Diplomatic Representative in Athens 1840-1848

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ISBN-ISSN: 9789754287103
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Category: Ottoman Studies
794 pp, pb, in English.
The Ottoman Empire and Its Neighbours V : Official Correspondance af Constantin Musurus First Ottoman Diplomatic Representative in Athens 1840-1848 The Ottoman Empire and Its Neighbours V : Official Correspondance af Constantin Musurus First Ottoman Diplomatic Representative in Athens 1840-1848 9789754287103 The Ottoman Empire and Its Neighbours V : Official Correspondance af Constantin Musurus First Ottoman Diplomatic Representative in Athens 1840-1848