The Ottoman Field Post Offices Palestine (1914-1918) The Alexander Collection
The Ottoman Field Post Offices Palestine (1914-1918) The Alexander Collection

The Ottoman Field Post Offices Palestine (1914-1918) The Alexander Collection

ISBN-ISSN: 975730672X
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The topic of the Ottoman Field Post Office in the Great War has been of great interest to postal historians for more than 30 years; but the paucity of the material and the absence of documentary sources meant that very little appeared in print before Zvi Alexander focused his remarkable energy and enthusiasm on it.

In less than a dozen years, he has put together what is not only indusputibly the best collection of this material ever formed, the medals he has secured for it at exhibitions around the world are testimony to its standing as one of the greatets postal history studies of our time. (From the back cover).

120 pp, color figures, pb, bilingual Turkish-English.

The Ottoman Field Post Offices Palestine (1914-1918) The Alexander Collection The Ottoman Field Post Offices Palestine (1914-1918) The Alexander Collection 975730672X The Ottoman Field Post Offices Palestine (1914-1918) The Alexander Collection