The Seismicity of Turkey and Adjacent Areas A Historical Review 1500-1800
The Seismicity of Turkey and Adjacent Areas A Historical Review 1500-1800

The Seismicity of Turkey and Adjacent Areas A Historical Review 1500-1800

ISBN-ISSN: 9789757622383
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Category: Varia

This work is part of a more general study of the investigation of the long-term earthquake activity of the Eastern Mediterranean region during the last 20 centuries which ahs developed over a period of almost three decades. The geography covered here is a region with a long written historical record but whose seismicity is little-known over the selected time period. The present work provides with the earth scientist and engineer with reliable observations on which to base assessments of earthquake hazard, and the historian with information and a subject which ahs thus far been neglected. The work is enhanced with sketch maps to indicate monuments affected in major earthquakes.

240 pp, with numerous b/w illustrations in text, pb, in English.

The Seismicity of Turkey and Adjacent Areas A Historical Review 1500-1800 The Seismicity of Turkey and Adjacent Areas A Historical Review 1500-1800 9789757622383 The Seismicity of Turkey and Adjacent Areas A Historical Review 1500-1800