The proceedings of IV. International Mosaic Corpus of Türkiye 'The Mosaic Bridge From Past to Present'
The proceedings of IV. International Mosaic Corpus of Türkiye 'The Mosaic Bridge From Past to Present'

The proceedings of IV. International Mosaic Corpus of Türkiye 'The Mosaic Bridge From Past to Present'

ISBN-ISSN: 9789756149430
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247 pp, color figures, pb, articles in Turkish and English.


  • Yurtkuran, Mustafa / Sunus - Introduction
  • Sahin, Mustafa - Selcuk Kirli / Önsöz - Foreword

    Antik Cag Mozaikleri / Ancient Mosaics
  • Aydemir, Nurten - Secil Cokogullu - Nedim Dervisoglu / Halepli Bahce 2007 Yili Mozaik Kurtarma Kazisi
  • Bailly, Christophe - Helene Morlier, Michel Tahri / A Bibliographical Instrument on the Internet
  • Bulgan, Fatma / Zeugma Mozaikleri Teshirinin Muzeolojik Acidan Degerlendirilmesi
  • Celik, Omer / 2006 Yılı Hatay Muzesi Mozaik Calismalari
  • Delbarre, Sophie - Michel Fuchs - Claude-Alain Paratte / Achilles on Skyros: Crossing over Architecture, Mosaic and Wall Painting
  • Ergec, Rifat / Zeugma'da 1992-1999 Doneminde Yapilan Mozaik Calismalari ve Dusundurdukleri
  • Friedman, Zaraza / Ship Iconogranhy in Mosaics
  • Jobst, Werner / Some Remarks on the Maintenance of the "Great Palace Mosaic" in Istanbul
  • Kremer, Maria de Jesus Duran / An Introduction to the Studies of the Architecture and the Mosaics: The Problematic of the Conservation of the Pavements.
  • Onal, Mehmet / Euphrates Villasinin Mozaikleri
  • Parrish, David / Genre Imagery in a few Late Roman and Early Byzantine Pavements from Constantinople-Istanbul: Local Counterparts to the Great Palace Mosaic
  • Paulsen, Birte / Considerations on Motifs and Mosaic Workshops: The Case of Halikarnassos
  • Pessoa, Miguel / The Roman Villa of Rabaçal, Penela, Portugal: Conservation Plan 2007 / 2009 Data and Suggestions for Preparing the Project for the Covers and Musealization Scheme
  • Raynaud, Marie-Patricia / Xanthos, East Basilica, Corpus of Mosaics of Turkey, Volume 1
  • Salman, Baris / Euphrates'in Dogu Yakasinda Farkli Bir Mozaik Uretim Merkezi
  • Scheibelreiter, Veronica / Gold From Ephesus: The Evidence of a Dionysus-Mosaic in Terrace House 2
  • Sahin, Derya / Zeugma Mozaikleri Uzerinde Yer Alan Tethys Betimlemeleri
  • Tok, Emine / Kuzey Lydia'da Bir Kiliseye Ait Zemin Mozaikleri: Manisa Gordes Caglayan Koyu Yakinindaki Kilise Kalintisi
  • Zeyrek, Turgut / Besni Yuzey Arastirmasi - 2006 Isiginda Besni Mozaikleri

    Restorasyon / Restoration
  • Akyol, Ali Akın / Bodrum Torba Mozaikleri
  • Kokten, Hande / Turkiye Mozaik Corpusu Kapsaminda Arkeologlar Tarafindan Uygulanacak Durum Tarama Olcutleri
  • Kucuk, Celal / Gaziantep Mozaik Muzesi Sergileme Programi
  • Sener, Selcuk / Turkiye'de Arkeolojik Alanlarda Mozaiklerin Korunma(ma)si: Karar, Yontem ve Uygulama Acisindan Bir Inceleme
  • Yar, Mine / Halfeti, Rumkale ve Gaziantep'te Turizm Potansiyelini Arttirma Projesi Kapsaminda Gaziantep Mozaik Okulu

    Modern Cag Mozaikleri / Modern Mosaics
  • Abiyev, Asker Ali - Rifat Ergec - Munteha Sahan / Sihirli Kareler ve Mozaikler
  • Alibeyoglu, Meltem Ceylan - Yelda Sisman Gokalp / Zeugma'da Matematik
  • Akyan, Gulten / Mozaikte Ulkelerin Markalasmasi
  • Goodwin, Ekine M. / The Mosaic Figure of Yesterday, Re-Visited for Today
  • Guvenir , Aysegul / Comparison of Mosaicist as a Profession and Contemporary Mosaic Art Two Masters, Two Metropolises
  • Notturni, Luciana / The Rules: Knowing And Breaking Them. The Modern Mosaic Way
  • Pehlivan, Hakan / Antakya Roma Donemi Mozaiklerinin Ilkogretim Ogrencileri Tarafindan Yeniden Uygulanmasi Projesi
The proceedings of IV. International Mosaic Corpus of Türkiye 'The Mosaic Bridge From Past to Present' The proceedings of IV. International Mosaic Corpus of Türkiye 'The Mosaic Bridge From Past to Present' 9789756149430 The proceedings of IV. International Mosaic Corpus of Türkiye 'The Mosaic Bridge From Past to Present'