Traditional Copperware - Semahat & Nusret Arsel Collection
Traditional Copperware - Semahat & Nusret Arsel Collection

Traditional Copperware - Semahat & Nusret Arsel Collection

69,00 TL + %0
ISBN-ISSN: 9789756959695
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290 pp, pb, color figures, in English - Turkish bilingual.

Semahat and Nusret Arsel traditional copperware collection, most of which is being exhibited since 2007 at Ankara Vineyard House affiliated with Vehbi Koç and Ankara Research Center, includes 289 brass and bronze instruments made of copper and copper alloys in several workshops in Istanbul, the Balkans and Anatolia under the Ottoman reign, between the 18th and 20th centuries. The book, which was prepared in Turkish and English by Prof. Dr. Sümer Atasoy, covers 170 pieces with different functions, forms and decorations selected from this collection.
Traditional Copperware - Semahat & Nusret Arsel Collection Traditional Copperware - Semahat & Nusret Arsel Collection 9789756959695 Traditional Copperware - Semahat & Nusret Arsel Collection