Tuba-Ar 25 - Turkish Academy of Sciences Journal of Archaeology
Tuba-Ar 25 - Turkish Academy of Sciences Journal of Archaeology

Tuba-Ar 25 - Turkish Academy of Sciences Journal of Archaeology

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ISBN-ISSN: 9771301856139-25
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175 pp, pb, color figures, articles in Turkish and English, abstracts.

  • Bayram AGHALARI / Obsidian Circulation Between Anatolia and Iran in the Light of Archaeological Finding
  • Can Yümni GÜNDEM / The Development of Animal Economy in Tepecik-Çiftlik Höyük During the 7th Millennium BC and the Emergence of Domestic Cattle on the Central Anatolia Plateau
  • Veli BAHSELIYEV - Lauren RISTVET - Hilary GOPNIK - Selin NUGENT - Jennifer SWERIDA / Kızkale Settlement and its Necropolis (Nakhchivan, Azerbaijan)
  • Najaf MUSEIBLI / The Galayeri Settlement: Late Chalcolithic Traditions of Eastern Anatolia and the Caucasus
  • Fatma KAYNAR / Locusts in the Hittite Culture
  • Özlem Sir GAVAZ / A New Evaluatıon on the Name of Buklukale in Hittites Period
  • Ayşe Tuba ÖKSE / Continuity, Transformation and Change in Iron Age Nomadic Communities in the Upper Tigris Region: A Social Archaeological Assessment
  • Barış GÜR / A Mycenaean Figurine from the Archaeological Museum of İzmir and Circulation of Mycenaean Female Figurines in Eastern Mediterranean
  • Nazlı YILDIRIM / Ionic Capitals Affected by Attican Style from Sinope
  • Sedat AKKURNAZ / Terracotta Antefixes Found Düver, in the Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek Museum, Copenhagen
  • Fevziye EKER / Ornament of Ancient Age; Ribbed and Twisted Glass Bracelets from the Kahramanmaraş Museum
Tuba-Ar 25 - Turkish Academy of Sciences Journal of Archaeology Tuba-Ar 25 - Turkish Academy of Sciences Journal of Archaeology 9771301856139-25 Tuba-Ar 25 - Turkish Academy of Sciences Journal of Archaeology