Türkische Miniaturmalerei am Hofe Mehmet des Eroberers in Istanbul - The Chinese Elements in the Istanbul Miniatures - Some Paintings in Four Istanbul Albums

75,00 TL + %0
ISBN-ISSN: 34227
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103 pp, b/w figures, German and English articles.

Türkische Miniaturmalerei am Hofe Mehmet des Eroberers in Istanbul - The Chinese Elements in the Istanbul Miniatures - Some Paintings in Four Istanbul Albums Türkische Miniaturmalerei am Hofe Mehmet des Eroberers in Istanbul - The Chinese Elements in the Istanbul Miniatures - Some Paintings in Four Istanbul Albums 34227 Türkische Miniaturmalerei am Hofe Mehmet des Eroberers in Istanbul - The Chinese Elements in the Istanbul Miniatures - Some Paintings in Four Istanbul Albums