Words, Numbers, Lines / Sozcukler, Sayilar, Cizgiler
Words, Numbers, Lines / Sozcukler, Sayilar, Cizgiler

Words, Numbers, Lines / Sozcukler, Sayilar, Cizgiler

36,00 TL + %0
ISBN-ISSN: 9786059606035
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The book that accompanies Bilge Friedlaender's solo exhibition "Words, Numbers, Lines" focuses on her artistic production between 1970s and 1980s, broadly portraying the journey of the artist who passed away in 2000. The curators of the exhibition, Işın Önol and Mira Friedlaender composed a fictive conversation between the artist, herself and her works out of Bilge Friedlaender's diaries, letters and unpublished interviews as well as several notes, Opening with this fictive text, the book features commissioned essays by Ahu Antmen, Gregory Volk and Lewis Johnson, and ends with a curatorial overview revealing the intellectual and practical approach behind the exhibition. The publication includes full colour images of all exhibited works by photographer Hadiye Cangökçe.

128 pp, color figures, pb, in Turkish-English bilingual.

Words, Numbers, Lines / Sozcukler, Sayilar, Cizgiler Words, Numbers, Lines / Sozcukler, Sayilar, Cizgiler 9786059606035 Words, Numbers, Lines / Sozcukler, Sayilar, Cizgiler