Yillik 2023 - Annual of Istanbul Studies 5, 2687-5012-5

55,00 TL + %0
ISBN-ISSN: 2687-5012-5
231 pp, pb, color figures, articles in Turkish and English.

Table of Contents


  • Introduction / Capitalistic Urbanization in Late Ottoman Istanbul: Armenian Agencies Ümit Fırat Açıkgöz.
  • Urban Modernization of Late Ottoman Kadıköy and the Memoirs of Hovhannes Kalfa Stepanian
  • Sarine Agopian I Early Career Article Prize
  • The Failed Housing Cooperative Project of the Oriental Savings Association: Housing and Urban Rent in Istanbul in the 1880s and 1890s
  • Yaşar Tolga Cora
  • Bourgeois Wealth, Architecture, and Urbanization: The Azaryan Family in Late Ottoman Istanbul Aslıhan Günhan
  • A Reappraisal of the Genoese Walls of Galata (Fourteenth-Fifteenth Centuries) in Terms of Medieval Building Techniques and Masonry Traditions
  • Selin Sur and Ufuk Serin
  • Producing, Transporting, and Distributing Charcoal: From the View of the Charcoal Merchants' Guild in the Eighteenth Century in Istanbul and Its Surrounding Regions
  • Kazuma Iwata
  • A Collection of Late Ottoman Imaginations, Constructions, and Experiences: Servet-i Fünun
    Gürbey Hiz and Ayşe Şentürer
  • The Venues of Musical Performances in the Early Eighteenth Century and the Ruznames of Mahmud I (r. 1730-1754)
  • Hande Betül Ünal

  • Three Anonymous Istanbul Views from the Early Nineteenth Century
    K.Mehmet Kentel

  • İstanbul İli Yüzey Araştırmaları (İstYA) Projesi 2021-2022 Yılı Çalışmaları : Şile
  • Emre Güldoğan


  • Featured Review
    Identities and Ideologies in the Medieval East Roman World
  • Anthony Kaldellis
  • The Cambridge Companion to Constantinople
  • Ivana Jevtic
  • Latin Catholicism in Ottoman Istanbul: Properties, People & Missions
  • Elif Bayraktar-Tellan
  • Hayal ve Gerçek Arasında: Osmanlı Resminde İstanbul İmgesi, 18. ve 19. Yüzyıllar
  • Emine Fetvacı
  • Byzantium after the Nation: The Problem of Continuity in Balkan Historiographies
  • Artemis Papatheodorou
  • Korku Metropolü İstanbul: 18. Yüzyıldan Bugüne
  • Yagmur Yıldırım
  • İstanbul Art Nouveau'su
  • Soner Demir
  • Bosphorus/Bosporos (Boghaz-ifi) from Byzantine to Latin and Ottoman Times (4th-15th Centuries): Constantinople Viewed from the North-East Water Currents Daniele Tinterri
  • Venedik Mimarlik Bienali Tiirkiye Paiyonu
    Bihter Çetinyol
  • Istanbul Bibliography 2023
  • Cemre Melis Yordamlı

Yillik 2023 - Annual of Istanbul Studies 5, 2687-5012-5 Yillik 2023 - Annual of Istanbul Studies 5, 2687-5012-5 2687-5012-5 Yillik 2023 - Annual of Istanbul Studies 5, 2687-5012-5