Zeitschrift für Orient-Archäologie Band 11 - 2018

ISBN-ISSN: 9783786128298

486 pp, hb,  articles in English and German.


  • In memoriam ?Ali Abu ?Assaf / Alexander Ahrens – Karin Bartl – Claudia Bührig – Ricardo Eichmann – Margarete van Ess
  • In memoriam Mu?ammad ?Ali al-Salami / Norbert Nebes

Mesopotamien und regional übergreifende Themen

  • Eva A. Braun-Holzinger / Gudea Statue M. Eine echte Inschrift auf einer gefälschten Statue
  • Peter Pfälzner – Hasan A. Qasim with contributions by Ivana Puljiz, Paola Sconzo and Betina Faist / Urban Developments in Northeastern Mesopotamia from the Ninevite V to the Neo-Assyrian Periods. Excavations at Bassetki in 2017
  • Ivana Puljiz – Hasan A. Qasim / Exploring the Middle Assyrian Countryside in the Middle Tigris Region. The 2017 Season of Excavations at Muqable III
  • Peter A. Miglus – Michael Brown – Juan Aguilar / Parthian Rock-Reliefs from Amadiya in Iraqi-Kurdistan
  • Anmar Abdulillah Fadhil – Enrique Jiménez / Literarische Bruchstücke aus Uruk. Teil 2: Zwei Tafeln für die Berechnung des adannu
  • Olof Pedersén / The Ishtar Gate Area in Babylon. From Old Documents to New Interpretations in a Digital Model
  • Carolin Jauss / Cooking Techniques and the Role of Cooks in an Early Urban Society. Vessel Analysis, Experiment, Archaeological Context and Text
  • Sajjad Alibaigi – John MacGinnis / Bit Ištar and Niššaya/Irnisa: In Search of the Location of Assyrian Zagros Toponyms of the 8th Century BC .
  • Stuart Campbell – Stefan R. Hauser – Robert Killick – Jane Moon – Mary Shepperson – Vera Dolezálková, Charax Spasinou: New Investigations at the Capital of Mesene


  • Signe Krag – Rubina Raja / Unveiling Female Hairstyles: Markers of Age, Social Roles, and Status in the Funerary Sculpture from Palmyra
  • Tarek Ahmad / The Roman Sacred Landscape. The Case of the Sanctuaries at Qa?r Nawus (?in ?krin) in Lebanon
  • Caroline Huguenot / Étude d’une Tombe Monumentale de Resafa
  • Matthias Stockinger / Archäometrische Untersuchungen spätrömischer bis frühislamischer Brittle Ware und Gebrauchskeramik aus Resafa/ar-Ru?afa
  • Johannes Moser – Claudia Bührig / Gadara/Umm Qays Hinterland Survey. Die Steingeräte aus den Geländebegehungen der Jahre 2010–2016

Arabische Halbinsel und der Region verwandte Themen 

  • Said F. Al-Said / The Kingdoms of ?akir, ?Amir, and Muha?mir in the Light of a New Inscription from Al-Faw, Saudi Arabia
  • Arnulf Hausleiter – Marta D’Andrea – Alina Zur, in collaboration with Mahmood Y. al-Hajri / The Transition from Early to Middle Bronze Age in Northwest Arabia: Bronze Weapons from Burial Contexts at Tayma, Arabia and Comparative Evidence from the Levant
  • Paul A. Yule / Toward an Identity of the Samad Period Population (Sultanate of Oman)
  • Norbert Nebes / Corrigenda to Norbert Nebes, “The Inscriptions of the Aksumite King ?afil and their Reference to Ethio-Sabaean Sources”, ZOrA 10 (2017) 356–369
Zeitschrift für Orient-Archäologie Band 11 - 2018 Zeitschrift für Orient-Archäologie Band 11 - 2018 9783786128298 Zeitschrift für Orient-Archäologie Band 11 - 2018