Don McCullin - Journeys Across Roman Asia Minor: Journeys Across Roman Asia Minor
Don McCullin - Journeys Across Roman Asia Minor: Journeys Across Roman Asia Minor

Don McCullin - Journeys Across Roman Asia Minor: Journeys Across Roman Asia Minor

125,00 TL + %0
ISBN-ISSN: 9780995756670
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Category: Photograph
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288 pp, b/w photos, hb, in English.

Journeys Across Roman Asia Minor
 is driven by an eye for beauty and an ear for history. It is an album of the most recent photographs taken by Don McCullin, informed by a life full of hard-won experience. Working the ineffable magic of a master-craftsman, he frames an ancient sanctuary known to Homer, then focuses on the broken face of an exhausted emperor, before turning his eye on the sensuous torso of a goddess.

While most of us were sheltering from Covid, Don explored the mountains, valleys and coast of western Turkey, hunting out the most poignant and powerful ruins of the Roman Empire. He has created a meditation on landscape, the effects of light on ancient stone, the way clouds animate the past, but it is also inescapably about past conflict. About conquest, about imperium, about power.

Don McCullin - Journeys Across Roman Asia Minor: Journeys Across Roman Asia Minor Don McCullin - Journeys Across Roman Asia Minor: Journeys Across Roman Asia Minor 9780995756670 Don McCullin - Journeys Across Roman Asia Minor: Journeys Across Roman Asia Minor